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在[ 常見昆蟲 ]中檢索包含[ ((subject:"瓢蟲科") AND (subject:"鞘翅目")) ]的資料, 共找到 85 筆資料
波紋瓢3 (ladybug, ladybird beetles)
鞘翅目 (Coleoptera),瓢蟲科 (Coccinellidae)
主要採集者: 高素琴 (S.C.Kao)
採集日期: 31023
簡述: The head is concealed from above by the expanded pronotum, two basal v... Subject_of_Image_(Chinese)_(all) : 瓢蟲科
瓢蟲22 (ladybug, ladybird beetles)
鞘翅目 (Coleoptera),瓢蟲科 (Coccinellidae)
主要採集者: 荵新基 (H.C.Jen)
採集日期: 31683
簡述: The head is concealed from above by the expanded pronotum, two basal v... Subject_of_Image_(Chinese)_(all) : 瓢蟲科
圓斑食植瓢1 (ladybug, ladybird beetles)
鞘翅目 (Coleoptera),瓢蟲科 (Coccinellidae)
主要採集者: 駱華生 (HS.Lo)
採集日期: 31800
簡述: The head is concealed from above by the expanded pronotum, two basal v... Subject_of_Image_(Chinese)_(all) : 瓢蟲科
寬凹食植瓢 (ladybug, ladybird beetles)
鞘翅目 (Coleoptera),瓢蟲科 (Coccinellidae)
主要採集者: 楊麗鈴 (L.L.Yang)
採集日期: 27596
簡述: The head is concealed from above by the expanded pronotum, two basal v... Subject_of_Image_(Chinese)_(all) : 瓢蟲科
橫斑食植瓢 (ladybug, ladybird beetles)
鞘翅目 (Coleoptera),瓢蟲科 (Coccinellidae)
主要採集者: 吳文哲 (W.g.Wu)
採集日期: 1981/8/5-9
簡述: The head is concealed from above by the expanded pronotum, two basal v... Subject_of_Image_(Chinese)_(all) : 瓢蟲科
茄二十八星瓢1 (ladybug, ladybird beetles)
鞘翅目 (Coleoptera),瓢蟲科 (Coccinellidae)
主要採集者: 王淑增 (S.T.Wang)
採集日期: 33729
簡述: The head is concealed from above by the expanded pronotum, two basal v... Subject_of_Image_(Chinese)_(all) : 瓢蟲科
茄二十八星瓢2 (ladybug, ladybird beetles)
鞘翅目 (Coleoptera),瓢蟲科 (Coccinellidae)
主要採集者: 王淑增 (S.T.Wang)
採集日期: 33729
簡述: The head is concealed from above by the expanded pronotum, two basal v... Subject_of_Image_(Chinese)_(all) : 瓢蟲科
瓢蟲21 (ladybug, ladybird beetles)
鞘翅目 (Coleoptera),瓢蟲科 (Coccinellidae)
主要採集者: 汪變仲 (P.C.Wang)
採集日期: 33734
簡述: The head is concealed from above by the expanded pronotum, two basal v... Subject_of_Image_(Chinese)_(all) : 瓢蟲科
瓢蟲2 (ladybug, ladybird beetles)
鞘翅目 (Coleoptera),瓢蟲科 (Coccinellidae)
主要採集者: 朱耀沂 (Y.I.Chu)
採集日期: 29418
簡述: The head is concealed from above by the expanded pronotum, two basal v... Subject_of_Image_(Chinese)_(all) : 瓢蟲科
鋸葉裂臀瓢1 (ladybug, ladybird beetles)
鞘翅目 (Coleoptera),瓢蟲科 (Coccinellidae)
主要採集者: 郭欣怡(?) (H.Y.Kuo)
採集日期: 34101
簡述: The head is concealed from above by the expanded pronotum, two basal v... Subject_of_Image_(Chinese)_(all) : 瓢蟲科
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數位物件識別號(DOI): http://doi.org/10.6681/NTURCDH.DB_NTUDARC/Collection