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在[ 植物模式標本 ]中檢索包含[ ((subject:"觀音座蓮科") AND (subject:"蕨類植物Ferns and Allies")) ]的資料, 共找到 5 筆資料
Archangiopteris itoi
蕨類植物Ferns and Allies 觀音座蓮科,Marattiaceae
原始發表文獻: Journal of Japanese Botany(45:6),p.165-,1970
Archangiopteris itoi
蕨類植物Ferns and Allies 觀音座蓮科,Marattiaceae
原始發表文獻: Journal of Japanese Botany(45:6),p.165-,1970
Archangiopteris itoi
蕨類植物Ferns and Allies 觀音座蓮科,Marattiaceae
原始發表文獻: Journal of Japanese Botany(45:6),p.165-,1970
Archangiopteris itoi
蕨類植物Ferns and Allies 觀音座蓮科,Marattiaceae
原始發表文獻: Journal of Japanese Botany(45:6),p.165-,1970
Archangiopteris itoi
蕨類植物Ferns and Allies 觀音座蓮科,Marattiaceae
原始發表文獻: Journal of Japanese Botany(45:6),p.165-,1970